Who is this course for?

Who is this course for?

If you have purchased (or are considering purchasing) this class then you will most likely find yourself in one of the following:

*A Polarity Therapist, Massage or Bodyworker who is looking for CE units that are meaningful, helpful, soulful, and resonant

*A healing arts practitioner of some sort such as an ND or Holistic Dr., Nutritionist, Psychotherapist, Counselor, Social Worker, Energy work practitioner, Acupuncturist, Herbalist, etc. (or on your way to becoming any one of the above)

*A highly sensitive, intuitive or empathic individual

*A creative, parent, teacher or seeker of some sort who may or may not have a professional healing practice, but is looking to live a more informed life

This course was designed to be applicable to you whether you are here for personal or professional reasons.

Because it is holistic, we understand that whatever work you invest in for personal development directly supports your professional development as well. Regardless of whether you consider yourself a healer or healing arts professional, a sensitive, empath or seeker, doing any type of self-work will help you in all areas of your life.

The more conscious, and resourced you are, the better able you are to show up for yourself and others. When you can tune in to yourself and your own truth, to hear the wisdom beyond your reactions and mental reflections, you are able to be a better parent, have deeper connections, hold space for yourself and all of your relationships, be better at facing the challenges that come up for you personally in life.

If you do not do this work for yourself, then you will find that holding space for others is a drag! It can be draining, tiring, upsetting, or even dangerous. When we take on more than our share of other people’s problems energetically or emotionally, we are prone to confusion, exhaustion, or can even become physically ill.

This is not something you learn once and never have to tend to again. It is an invitation to create practices that you can engage throughout your life in all areas of your life.

The goal of this course is to introduce you to a variety of tools and techniques that you can access anytime you need. Assimilate, practice, reiterate. Build a personal practice around the things that work for you. After a while it will become a part of your routine. You will find personal rituals and daily habits that support you to be a more empowered individual which will in turn, allow you to be more available for your family, friends, colleagues and/or clients.

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Tend your own energy on a regular basis the way you tend a garden and bloom.

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