
Welcome to Attune:

Energetic Foundations for Empaths, Sensitives, and Healers.

This class was created to support empaths and those aspiring to understand and work with energy to do so in a clean, clear, informed way. This is all about self-care and energetic management and ultimately, mastery.

In this course you will learn:

  • How to identify the five elements that reside in the chakras or energy centers within the body and how to know when they are in or out of balance
  • How to attune your energy so that you can hold impeccable space for yourself and other people either personally or professionally if you so choose

The content in this course is based in Polarity Therapy which is a holistic healing modality that incorporates clothed bodywork, verbal communication/ counseling/ coaching/ educating, energetic nutrition, polarity yoga based exercises and craniosacral therapy. Polarity is also a way of life. Or at least, it is for myself and the other Polarity enthusiasts I know.

Polarity works with life energy specifically through the chakra system elementally. There are seven main chakras or energy centers, and five that reside in the physical body which each correlate to a particular element. These five elements are the basis for our entire physical reality, as energy steps down from spirit to matter and returns to spirit again.

Learn more about Polarity here.

You can learn more about the five elements by taking one of our in depth chakra/ elemental trainings also known as Polarity Two which is a three month long (one weekend per month in the live in-person version) experiential journey through the elements.

An online version is coming soon!

How to use this course:

This course consists of videos and written material full of journal prompts and exercises that are both experiential and physical.

It is recommended that you keep a journal as you go through the course.

Find a friend to go through it with.

Go through the course in its entirety then return to the videos and exercises that are most supportive to you as you need them.

Creating your own practice from the exercises and suggestions is really the best way to integrate the principals into your life. Fell free to adapt them to your own body and energetic needs.

If you are able to give some feedback that would be greatly appreciated so this course can continue to be improved! Thank you!

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