My Why

Who am I?

Out of necessity, I have been cultivating many of the skills in this course my entire life. Much of the rest, I learned in school while studying polarity at the Institute of Psycho Structural Balancing (in 2004).

Being a sensitive can be both a blessing and a curse. But thank goodness I found a way to nurture my sensitivities instead of suffering from them. Through learning to hone these skills, I have been able to thrive as a healing arts practitioner instead of hiding out in my house. (Not that I don't hide sometimes).

I have run a successful private healing practice where I offer one on one sessions both in person and over the phone/ video in Polarity therapy, craniosacral therapy, mind/body massage, hypnotherapy, life coaching, and intuitive readings, in Olympia WA since 2006 and in L.A. prior to that.

I own and run the Elevation Hive School of Energy Medicine where I offer a certification program in Polarity Therapy as well as classes in Craniosacral therapy, massage, forest therapy, dreamwork, and self-care for empaths.

I am an artist (painter) and a mom to two incredible humans and one adorable dog.

Why am I here?

I am here because I have always felt more at home in the realm of energy than in the mundane world of logic and science, but ultimately I am a seeker who loves to find the connections between the two. 

My love of Polarity therapy is in part because it blends the esoteric and ancient wisdom, philosophies, and practices of Ayurveda from India, Chinese medicine, hermetic, and shamanic and intuitive healing work with modern physics and practical, structural, logical, somatic energetic bodywork. It is steeped in woo-woo concepts yet down to earth and applicable to so many modalities. Polarity offers a lens for viewing every aspect of life, which is always fascinating and multidimensional.

I love teaching and offering healing sessions for a living because I get to work magic every day. It is never dull. This work is deep and fascinating, and I have come to find my happy place is in the mystery, the phenomenology, and in the small interactions I have with my clients and students day in and day out that are so profoundly healing and meaningful.

I am here because I love transformation. I love my own growing/ healing process, and I love holding space for others. I have worked most of my life to develop the practitioner skills that would support me to be a more comfortable and confident sensitive and empath, so that I could utilize my sensitivities and not have to shut them down.

I feel like it is my life's work to share these skills and encourage others to find the resources to utilize their sensitivities to stay embodied, healthy, empowered and sovereign, and not have to numb out as the only option.

Regardless of what specifically led you to this course, my sincere hope is that you will get what you need. My intention is for these tools to empower you to have healthier boundaries, to believe in yourself and your gifts and your innate inner knowing, and to find ways to quickly and easily clear your own energy, reclaim your space, your truth, and your wholeness. So you can be the best version of yourself possible. 

Whether you do healing work with others in a professional capacity or not, you probably are feeling more than you know what to do with or you are ready to open up. And you want to be wise about how you organize your energy, use your gifts, cultivate your gifts and share them even if only with family and friends.

Often people who feel this waking up inside don't pursue it because they aren't sure if they are worthy, or maybe they are afraid, or it just seems so mysterious. But I want you to know that it is your birthright. We are all worthy of understanding how energy flows and how it gives rise to everything. 

When you understand how to work with it even on the most basic level, you begin to increase self-awareness and can choose how you want to react to your life, how you want to relate to your health and your relationships.

Awareness is key. 

Having tools to get clear and clean in your energy is key. 

Understanding and creating practices that will bring you in touch with yourself will benefit your body, mind, soul, and all who interact with you. 

It is my humble opinion that we are here to do our own work to raise our own vibration. This is what elevates the rest of the world as well.

I am so honored to have you here.

As you go through this course, please keep in touch through the Facebook group, make the connections with the other likeminded people going through it as well. Get support and support each other.

I am so grateful to be on this journey with you!

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